
Profiles of Success

Athlete/Sports/Recreation, Business Owner


I signed up for the membership and loved the service, so I called the Home Office to see how I could sell the memberships myself. Mark Eldridge was assigned my lead.

It was the legal plan membership that sold me on this company. I loved the fact that I was working for myself without large start-up cost and virtually no risk.

Also, I love the fact you make as much money as you have the time to put into the business. The person who works the hardest and sells the most gets paid the most. Only you limit what you can make!

Because of this business opportunity, my family and I have been able to live where we want because I can work my business anywhere. My wife, Deidre, was able to stay home and raise our two girls, Nicole and Kellee. We decide ourselves when we would go on vacation or simply take a day off.

One of my favorite parts of the business, now that I have had success and opened lots of groups, is that I earn commissions for new hire applications coming in the mail from groups I’ve already sold to. And I’m paid every month on groups I opened, sometimes years ago. I qualify for the Executive Director level every month on new hire apps!

My greatest accomplishment was completing 2,000 personal sales in a single year. I was very proud I reached every personal bonus level the company offered.

My goal for this year is to write one more app than last year.